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Year 1 Donaldson

Welcome 1D


Teacher: Miss Donaldson

Teaching: Assistant Mrs Sears


If you need to contact us then please speak to us on the door in the morning or after school. A Class Dojo message can be sent if you would prefer to communicate that way.  



We look forward to going on this journey with you.


WeekFab 5POW
2ArchieLeoIsabellaAleksanderFrankie Leo
3CallumEmilyJoey BCayceeLiloCaycee






Spring 1 2025


This half-term we will be learning about:



  • Ordering objects and numbers within 11-20.
  • Odd and even numbers
  • Counting amounts to 20 accurately
  • Addition and Subtraction
  • Length and height
  • Mass and volume
  • 2D and 3D shape.


Reading –Tuesdays-Fridays children will  have a daily phonics session where all of the sounds are learnt; words are segmented and blended back together; read green words which can be decoded phonetically and read red words that need to be learnt by sight. Time will be spent completing phonic activities and reading texts to suit each child’s reading level.


Writing – This half term we will be focussing on the story ‘Mog and the Granny’ to write a narrative. 

. We will also continue to focus on our ability to:


  • Compose a sentence orally before writing it
  • Use a capital letter for the pronoun I
  • Leave spaces between words
  • Punctuate simple sentences with capital letter and full stops
  • Re-read what they have written to check it makes sense
  • Begin to use question marks
  • Begin to use simple adjectives
  • Join sentences with ‘and’


Design Technology = Mechanical


Spellings –

The children have now all been given their spelling booklet which lists the spellings to be learnt each week until February half term. Each week a spelling test will take place on a Monday and then the new spelling list will be introduced.


Education City


Please use Oxford Owl for some extra reading. Log in using pvsy1/2 as the username and year1/2 as the password. Then choose 'My ebooks'.

Children's University is a great opportunity for children to engage in extra activities, and get rewarded for it. It allows you to gather the hours, and work with Wolverhampton University, and learn about further education.


You will find more about CU here

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