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Year 1/2 Moore and Bell


Your teachers are

Mrs Bell & Mrs Moore.



Contacting Staff:

If you need to contact us then please speak to us on the door in the morning or after school.

You can also message us on Class Dojo anytime - these messages are checked daily. We will get back to you as soon as possible. 



Our Weekly Timetable

Termly subject coverage – Spring 2 2025


This term we will be learning about:

Maths– during Spring Term 2, the children will be working on multiplication, division and statistics (tally charts, tables, block diagrams, pictograms and interpreting pictograms).


Reading – Every day the children will have a phonics session where all of the sounds are learnt; words are segmented and blended back together; read green words which can be decoded phonetically and read red words that need to be learnt by sight. Time will be spent completing phonic activities and reading texts to suit each child’s reading level.

For children who are ready to take the next step, comprehension sessions take place where a text is read and discussed in detail. The children then answer questions to test their overall comprehension skills.

The children are given time to read in school and take the Accelerated Reading tests when they have finished and understood their book. These tests ask the children questions to clarify their understanding and only allow them to move onto the next stage when ready. We would like each child to read one book per week and at least 3 pages per night.


Writing – During this half term we will be covering letter writing and non-chronological reports on animals. We will be looking at expressing feelings through the book ‘Can I be your dog?’ and linking back to our previous work on Owl babies through our non-chronological reports. We will be focussing on

- using expanded noun phrases

- different types of sentences

- different punctuation marks

- the layout of a letter

- the layout of non-chronological reports

And continue our work on the basics (handwriting, capital letters and full stops.)



The children will complete their work on plants:

  • The children will have the opportunity to explore plants.
  • Look at the different parts of a plant.
  • Learn about what plants need to grow.
  • Plan and investigate the effect of light and dark on plants.


Living things and their habitats:

  • Habitats in my local area.
  • Polar habitats.
  • Desert habitats.
  • Ocean habitats.
  • Woodland habitats.
  • Microhabitats.
  • Habitats and diet.
  • Food chains.


Creative Curriculum -

Geography – Waterways

History – Changes – WW1

Art – Sculpting and printing


Spellings –

The children have now all been given their spelling booklet which lists the spellings to be learnt each week until half term. Each week a spelling test will take place on a Thursday and then the new spelling list will be introduced.


Useful websites -

BBC Bitesize

Spring 1 Weekly Spelling Lists

National Curriculum Spellings Lists

Strategies to help you learn your weekly spellings

Fab 5 and Pupil of the Week Winners Spring Term 

WC 6.1.25SummerMilenOscarKhaleesiHarperKhaleesi
WC 13.1.25AvaMusaJaydenJimmyEdenMusa
WC 20.1.25HarmonyElizaLoganLeoEuniceEliza
WC 27.1.25PaisleyJaydenJimmyElizaHarperHarper
WC 3.2.25CarterLoganZanderSpencerKhaleesiLogan
WC 10.2.25HarperCharlieEuniceHenryMorganCharlie

