Home Page

Year 5 Sheppard

 Year 5


Welcome to Year 5!


Hopefully this page will help you with any information, which you require. Any questions then please feel free to see us in the morning or afternoon on the gate or message on Class Dojo. Thank you.



Teacher: Mrs Sheppard

Teaching Assistant: Mrs Sweet


 Mrs Sheppard teaches everyday with Mrs Rose teaching French and taking the children swimming on a Wednesday afternoon. 


Mrs Sweet will be supporting the class in the afternoons by working with children, who may need some 1:1 support or extra assistance in certain lessons.

Spring 1

Spring 1 Timetable

This half term, we will be learning about:


Each day during the week, we will concentrate on a different aspect of maths. Over this term, we will cover:

Monday - Number -  equivalent fractions and decimals, tenths, hundredths and thousandths.

Tuesday - Fractions -  multiply unit and non-unit fractions.

Wednesday - Big Maths

Thursday - Calculation -  prime numbers, square numbers, cube numbers, multiply and divide by 10, 100 and 1,000.

Friday - Measurement -co-ordinates, lines of symmetry, angles.


This term our writing is focussing on James and the Giant Peach. We will be looking at descriptions of characters and settings and writing linked with the ideas from the book.



Our reading novel this term is 'The Leopard in the Golden Cage' by Julia Edwards.

Each week, we will read one or two chapters of the book and look at the vocabulary, summarising ideas, predicting events and answering questions related to the text.




Our topic this half term is  MATERIALS .


Our learning will look at properties of materials such as whether they are magnetic, their hardness, transparency and ability to insulate or conduct heat and electricity.







In Geography this half term our topic is Geography for Life where we will be learning about the use of weather forecasting and how this can be a skill to use in life. We will be writing and performing our own weather forecasts.






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Still image for this video


Still image for this video


Still image for this video


Still image for this video


Still image for this video


Still image for this video


Still image for this video


Still image for this video


Still image for this video


In History this half term our topic is Significant People and we are learning about Coco Chanel and Nelson Mandela. We will be thinking about the legacies, which they have both left behind, which may be very different, but both important in their own ways.





Families have been sent home with a login for the Accelerated Reader - Home Connect site. This provides information on your child's progress in Accelerated Reader quizzes that they take at home. 

Use the link below and log in using your child's log in details. 


Spring 1 Spellings - Children should know if they are STAR group

Extra Year Group Information



It is extremely important that ALL children bring a water bottle into school everyday.


P.E. Day- Thursday 

Swimming- Wednesday



- Please practise each week's spellings. We will look through the spellings each Friday and the pupils will be tested on them the following week.


- Times table Rockstars. Practise your times tables using your login and username. 


- BIG MATHS - Big Maths sheets are completed every Wednesday in school. These will be brought home. Please look through these sheets with your child and go over any skills that they are unsure of. 


- Continue to read as much as you can at home. Remember to complete an AR quiz when you get back into school. 


-Maths Homework sheets are sent home every Friday to be returned by the following Friday.


