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Primary Admissions Sept 2025


If you live in Walsall, your child was born between 1 September 2020 and 31 August 2021 and is due to commence Reception class  in September 2025 you will need to complete and online application through Walsall Council website.    The portal will open from 4 November 2024 to 15 January 2025.  Having a place in the nursery class attached to a school does not guarantee a place in the reception class at that school. You must send a separate application for a place in the reception class.  


You can apply for a place at up to three schools for your child, and list them in order of preference.  

If any of your preferred schools are outside Walsall Borough, you still apply in the same way. Walsall Council runs a co-ordinated admissions scheme with neighbouring councils and admission authorities, so you only have to complete one application.


Walsall Council has a duty to offer your child a place in a school. We always try to meet your first choice, but sometimes we receive more applications than the school has places available. We will then try to offer your next highest preference. If we cannot meet any of your preferences, we will offer you a place in the nearest school to your home address with available places.


If you ask for an email notification in your online application, you will receive your offer by email on 16 April 2025. The emails are sent automatically over the course of the day.

If you are not happy with your offer, you can appeal against the decision.


The admission criteria for every Walsall school are detailed in the school information pages within our 'Information for Parents' booklet'. If you intend to name a school outside Walsall, it is important that you obtain a copy of the maintaining local authority’s ‘Information for Parents’ booklet, or visit the relevant local authority’s website, which will detail the admission criteria for the school you would like your child/ren to attend.

Please take the opportunity to find out as much as you can about the relevant schools before you express your preferences – the Admissions and Appeals Team are here to help you.

  • If you live in Walsall, please complete the on-line application by 15 January 2025.

  • If you live in Walsall and your child attends a primary school outside Walsall, or a private school in Walsall, please complete the on-line application and submit by 15 January 2025.
  • If you live outside Walsall, you should complete an application from your home local authority and include all of your preferred schools.

This portal will open from 6 November 2023 and will be available each day from 8am to 9.30pm up until the closing date of 15 January 2025.  PLEASE NOTE THAT YOUR CHILD WILL NOT AUTOMATICALLY TRANSFER TO RECEPTION CLASS.


Link to School admissions at Walsall Council


Link to online application form


Parents guide to making an application


Primary Admissions Booklet


Contact Us

If you have any questions about the primary admissions process and would like  support and advice, please contact the School Admissions Team, details below or speak to Mrs Wall in the school office:


Admissions and Appeals Team
Walsall MBC
2nd Floor
Civic Centre
Darwall Street

If you are contacting us by email please ensure that you include your name and contact details and your child's name and date of birth.
