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At Pelsall Village School we believe in promoting positive behaviour. For example we do this through our Class Dojo rewards, Our Fab five, Our pupil of the week and learning attitudes. However, our behaviour policy also identifies the need to deal effectively with behaviours that do not support the expectations of everyone involved with our school.


Behaviour that falls below our expectations is dealt with in the following way:

There is a clear process that the children understand.

The process is designed to support behaviour concerns through discussion, targets, rewards, parent meetings.

When there is a behaviour concern the teacher will explain the behaviour to the child and that if it doesn't stop the behaviour will be recorded on the school behaviour log.

The log has several steps:

Warning 1 - Warning 2 - Warning 3 - Yellow - Red (Meeting with Safeguarding Manager) - Deputy Head - Head teacher - Letter to parents - Meeting with parents (Intervention strategy)

After the intervention strategy has been agreed the child will return to Warning 1 and follow the process again if necessary.

If the behaviour reaches 'Meeting with Parent' for the second time, the parent will be told that a 'Short term exclusion'(usually 3 days) is the next step in the process.

The head teacher can administer more than 1 short term exclusion in any one academic year.

If after following the steps above and after using a range of intervention strategies, there are still behaviour concerns, then a permanent exclusion will be considered.



As part of PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT we have developed 8 citizenship behaviours which we promote throughout school. Running through each one is the idea of making the 'RIGHT CHOICE'. 


Open the document below to read more about our Citizenship behaviours.
