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Year 6

6T Bee artwork


This term we are learning about: 



SATs revision.

We are going through past papers to analyse what we can see and how we can approach the problem. We will then see which methods are most effective and efficient to use and practise in the run up to SATs themselves. 



Skimming and scanning techniques to find the information quickly. How to infer meaning from the text that is not obvious and how to word answers to questions more effectively to get more marks. 

We are also using past papers to try and access as many genre types as we can in the run up to SATs. Some of the texts in previous years have been difficult and the questions hard to decipher so we're going to spend time on this to help us when it comes to our own tests so we are as prepared as possible. 

We will also be revising grammar and spelling.  



Our writing will be continuing as we are trying to get as much writing evidence as we can to show how well we can write overall against the writing exemplification. We are looking at using a range of writing codes independently. We are revisiting different punctuation marks, what we know about writing and how we can form the best sentences initially. This will be using our knowledge of all punctuation marks as well as using spellings from the Y5/6 spelling list where appropriate. We are also covering different genres of writing and aim to expand our vocabulary range using different texts.



Our topic this half term is variation and inheritance.


National curriculum links • Recognise that living things produce offspring of the same kind, but normally offspring vary and are not identical to their parents. • Working scientifically − Use relevant scientific language and illustrations to discuss, communicate and justify their scientific ideas (non-statutory).


We will also look at diet, drugs and lifestyle and its impact upon health. 


National curriculum links • Recognise the impact of diet, exercise, drugs and lifestyle on the way their bodies function. • Working scientifically – Identifying scientific evidence that has been used to support or refute ideas or arguments. 


Geography and History 

We are looking at teaching the foundation subjects in isolation this year, to focus more on the skills involved in each curriculum strand.

Our geography this half term is focusing on climate zones - in particular the continental or Mediterranean climate zone and we are focusing on the country of Greece.

In history, we are looking at the Norman Conquest including the Battle of Hastings and William the Conqueror. 




Spelling tests take place each week on a Friday. 

These spellings are words that have been on the previous Y6 SATS for the grammar paper. Please practise them carefully and look at the rules being revised as they will no doubt also come up on your SATS this year. 

Spelling rules tested so far

6T Fab 5 and Pupil of the week 

 WeekFAB5LearningAttitudes Pupil of the week

                Year 6 members of staff 


National Curriculum Spelling Lists

New vocab - some interesting words that you may like

Art - using the drawing with Rob videos
