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Cycle For Sports Relief - Monday 19th to Friday 23rd March 2018


Monday 19th to Friday 23rd March 2018


Are you up for the challenge - John O'Groats to Lands End?


You may be aware that there has already been some high profile cycling fund raising events taking place recently for Sports Relief 2018.


At Pelsall Village School we would also like to take part too and have very kindly been offered the use of a cycling machine for next week. It will be placed in the reception area with a flip chart to record distance cycled to see if we can 'make' the journey from John O'Groats to Lands End - all 874 miles!!!


We will allocate time slots each day according to interest shown.

If any children (and staff) would like to put some miles on the clock, prizes will be given for the greatest distance in each age group. (Mr Britton has an age bracket of his own!)


£1 donation through SQUID to take part -Thank you!
