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Pelsall Hall Celebrations

FRIDAY 13th JULY 2018


On Friday, Year 6 visited the residents of Pelsall Hall to share an end of year goodbye. To say it was an emotional afternoon for everyone is an understatement, but the tears were for all the right reasons!


After spending many months reading to each other on a twice weekly basis, it was time to celebrate what has become a very special relationship between the children of Pelsall Village School and the residents of Pelsall Hall with songs and chat and refreshments as well as two other esteemed visitors - the Mayor and Mayoress of Walsall.


It was a lovely surprise for the children to walk in and be serenaded by the residents gathered in the hall before the tables were turned and the children sang a selection of 1940's songs, favourites from their recent Jungle Book production as well as previews from the Year 6's upcoming Leavers Concert for everyone to join in with. Indeed, it was hard to work out who was singing the loudest at one point!


As the afternoon came to a close, (and the Mayor was able to retrieve his chain of office from one resident!), praise and congratulations for all that this year group has achieved, not only in their final year but all through their journeys at Pelsall Village, was given by the Mayor on behalf of the teachers and governing body as well as a generous offer of visiting the Mayor's Parlour this week.


Thank you Pelsall Hall for letting us come and read to you every week, we look forward to seeing you in September! heart



