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Autumn 2019 Dates


Autumn 2019 - Dates for Diaries


Apologies for the late posting but a little accident has left me somewhat lacking in mobility recently!


However, welcome back to the new academic year. It's hard to believe the summer has gone so quickly and that autumn is already letting us know it is here with the recent weather!


Anyhow, here are confirmed Autumn 2019 dates for diaries:


Monday 7th October: Training Day (school closed to children)

Thursday 24th October: Halloween Disco (Rec & KS1 - 3.30pm to 4.30pm)

Thursday 24th October: Halloween Disco (KS2 - 4.45pm - 6.00pm)

Friday 25th October: Golden Day & Harvest Assembly


Friday 8th November: Non Uniform Day - Bottle Donations for school's annual Christmas Fayre

Monday 11th November: Remembrance Day Carousel Day

Friday 15th November: Non Uniform Day - Children in Need

Friday 22nd November: Non Uniform Day - Bring &  Buy Donations for school's annual Christmas Fayre

Friday 22nd November: Whole School Flu Vaccinations

w/c: 25th November: Whole School Assessments


Friday 6th December: KS2 Christmas Production at Pelsall Community Centre

Tuesday 10th December: Christmas Fayre in Main Hall

Friday 13th December: Christmas Jumper Day

Monday 16th December: Parent Consultations & SEND Drop IN

Wednesday 18th December: Visiting Theatre Pantomime

Friday 20th December: Golden Day & last day of term




