This last half term is always our busiest!
There are a lot of dates for diaries here so please read carefully!
W/C: 24.6.19: Whole School Assessment Week
W/C: 1.7.19: Year 6 Transition Visits to New Secondary Schools
1.7.19: Reception Classes Educational Visit to Twycross Zoo
3.7.19: Parents Meeting for New Reception Children in September 2019
4.7.19: SPORTS DAY
(9.30-10.30am: Reception and Y3&4 classes)
(10.45-11.45am: Y1&2 and Y5&6 classes)
5.7.19: Year 5 & 6 Educational Visit to Black Country Museum
6.7.19: Pelsall Village School Walking Carnival Float
8.7.19: Year 2 Educational Visit to Sudbury Hall
9.7.19: Year 1 Educational Visit to Sudbury Hall
11.7.19: Nursery Sports & Fun Day
11.7.19: Whole School Outdoor Learning Carousel Day
(£2 for Bouncy Castle, Non Uniform & Tip Top Ticket through SQUID)
12.7.19: Year 5 & 6 Fabulous Finish for Parents
12.7.19: End of Year Reports out to parents
15.7.19: 'Drop In' Parent Consultations (3.30-5pm)
16.7.19: Whole School Transition Day - Meet Your New Teacher!
17.7.19: Year 3 & 4 Educational Visit to Birmingham Botanical Gardens
17.7.19: Year 6 Leavers Treat - Bentley Bridge Swimming & Bowling
18.7.19: Golden Day
18.7.19: Summer Disco
(3.30-4.30pm: Reception & Years 1 & 2)
(4.45-6pm: Years 3 & 4 & 5 & 6)
(£2 ticket through SQUID includes 2 drinks)
(Snacks & drinks 20p each)
(Chips £1 per tray)
19.7.19 (am): Year 6 Leavers Assembly & Concert
19.7.19: END OF TERM