16.3.18 - Y6 Praise Trip
Year 6 have been working so hard towards their End of KS2 SATs, Miss Thompson and Miss Proffitt felt they deserved a treat.
To tie in with the Aardman Animation 'Early Man' workshops this week, the children asked to go to the cinema to see the 'Early Man' film itself.
Mr Bagley agreed for school to pay for the tickets but money was still needed for the transport. So last Friday, Year 6 held a cake sale and raised a massive £184 - just what was needed for the coach!
In the meantime, one of our Year 6 children, Finlay Taylor decided to take part in a 'sponsored silence' by himself as he wanted to also help raise funds for the trip. Finlay has now raised enough money (with a little help from his family) to purchase sweet treats for all of his fellow Year 6s.
On behalf of Pelsall Village School -Thank You for all your hard work and good luck in your SATs.
But a very special 'Well Done' to Finlay, we are very proud of your selfless act of charity.